Bug's (Parameter Tampering, XSS, Stored-XSS)
So i build and account on it and tried to order something on it. You know what happened then, I ordered the product of 750 in just 1 rupees.
Now we are going to learn how that happens.
In security term it's just know as Parameter tampering:
The Web Parameter Tampering attack is based on the manipulation of parameters exchanged between client and server in order to modify application data, such as user credentials and permissions, price and quantity of products, etc. Usually, this information is stored in cookies, hidden form fields, or URL Query Strings, and is used to increase application functionality and control.
This attack can be performed by a malicious user who wants to exploit the application for their own benefit, or an attacker who wishes to attack a third-person using a Man-in-the-middle attack. In both cases, tools likes Webscarab and Paros proxy are mostly used.
The attack success depends on integrity and logic validation mechanism
errors, and its exploitation can result in other consequences including
Injection, file inclusion, and path
disclosure attacks.
For a short video clip describing the vulnerability, click
here (Courtesy of
Ohh man! Enough of theory now let's dive into how that happened. But before that you require one tool and that favorite of all pentester. Yes you guessed it right it's Burp Suite.
You can apply this knowledge probably on every site which lacks validation or trust client input so much .Lately i thought of making video because that would be more understandable.
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